Operation Geronimo 2
There are two teams: Seal Team 6 and the terrorists.
Seal Team 6 missed and Bin Laden is still alive. Osama Bin Laden and his
terrorist buddies have once again been spotted and are hiding in a block
As members of Seal Team 6, you only have 5 minutes to kill Bin Laden
before Pakistani Army forces arrive and save Bin Laden.
Game Play
There are no more Blue and Black Teams.
"Bin Laden" is given a special blood red set of goggles for
identification purposes and a select group of terrorist players.
Seal Team 6 gets a larger number of players and attempts to break into
the block house and kill Bin Laden.
"Bin Laden" must remain in the block house and nowhere else. Members of
Seal Team 6 start from the near side of the field.
Once all participants indicates they are ready, game play begins.
Each side will take casualties with paintball hits. These players will go
to their sides perspective dead box till the end of the game.
Who wins... Who Loses...
Seal Team 6 wins if they kill "Bin Laden" in 5 minutes with a paintball.
Bin Laden and his terrorist cohorts win if after 5 minutes he is still
It's your job to rid the
world of Bin Laden
